Saturday, September 6, 2008

Intersting Conversation

My buddy Viju and me had this conversation till Late night 3 yesterday..

Vijay: hehe
1:34 AM brahmins need not be vegetarians le..
its not what they eat.. its wat they do
me: haan.. thats true
Vijay: Brahmins adhere to the principles of Brahmanism [] or Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism [], such as acceptance of the Vedas [] with reverence, adherence to the position that the means or ways to salvation and realization of the ultimate truth are diverse, that God [] is one, but has innumerable names and forms to chant and worship due to our varied perceptions, cultures and languages. Brahmins believe in Sarvejanāssukhinobhavaṃtu — Let the entire society be happy and prosperous and Vasudhaika kuṭuṃbakaṃ — the whole world is one family. Many Brahmins are reformers. Most Brahmins today practice vegetarianism [] or lacto-vegetarianism []. There are some Brahmins who are non-vegetarians, mainly the Brahmins of cold mountain areas like Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Nepal, and coastal areas like Bengal, who are fish eaters. However, even the meat eating Brahmins shun beef in India although some American and Western Brahmins eat beef.
1:35 AM me: but .. there is a belief that..
Vijay: basically related tp knowledgeable people.. ..
me: thoughts and behaviour is attributed to food
Vijay: who believe in God.. teachers.. etc..
me: saatvik thoughts attributed to saatvik aahar
1:36 AM and tamasik thoughts to tamasik aahar
thats 1 main reason why brahmins are veggies
Vijay: ade.. may be its a modern belief..
or may be not..
1:37 AM but it has not been mentioned anywhere as a rule, that they shud not eat non-veg..
me: hmm.. well.. mainly.. there is a belief that .. the concept of vegetarianism came from jainism
1:38 AM Vijay: but its common sense that, they wudnt be eating non-veg since that wud contradict their knowledge..
and their duties and other beliefs..
it may be an unwritten rule.. but no compulsion
1:39 AM me: the vedic tradition.. began to collapse.. and jainism buddhism were rising
some believe that the concept of vegetarianism was borrowed from jainism
to make vedic tradition stronger
at that poin
of time
1:42 AM Vijay: hmm..
mythological history serta ide nange..
1:43 AM me: hmm......
Vijay: i wish i had heard/seen more stories
me: the pandavas kauravas were all aryan tribes
1:44 AM which existed during the iron age
mahajanapada period
but i shud see mahabharat le
Vijay: nod le.. chanag madidare.. naan nodidde tv nalli..
1:45 AM but now u will understand it better..
me: yahh
Vijay: i have a few questions though..
me: like
1:46 AM Vijay: well.. not specific questions.. jus vague questions..
me: like
Vijay: like what was the whole purpose of it..
it seemed setup..
me: purpose of?
Vijay: right from the birth of bhishma...
1:47 AM purpose of mahabharata
atleast thats how its been portrayed in the series..
i know the purpose..
but it seemed pretty setup..
1:48 AM and things like.. if krishna is the supreme god.. why did he let the war happen in the first place.. i can say why.. but again i'm not very sure of it...
1:49 AM me: hmmm.. well from mythological point of view. it was to show.. "yada yada hi dharmasya glanirbhavati" and also "karma yoga"
Vijay: ade..
may to say that.. truth always wins..
1:50 AM god is always on truth's side..
me: from the literary point of view.. it was just another classical work.. which was written and collaborated over a period of time...
Vijay: ya..
and anyone, eventhough he is truthful, if he supports evil, will not succeed..
1:51 AM me: hmmm..
there is a basic qsn there le...
if god has an influence on that..
then y have evil in the first place
1:52 AM Vijay: god is nothing but ultimate truth..
its not a person who controls anything..
1:53 AM i mean everything on earth
no.. i don know wat i mean
hold onn..
me: yahh.. but wat is that ultimate truth
1:54 AM Vijay: ok.. wat i wanted to say is..
evil is adharma..
God has no control on people who does adharma..
me: does god have control on dharmic ppl?
1:55 AM Vijay: no..
see.. this leads to the question of what is god
me: hmm.. wats ur thought
on it
Vijay: god is everything around us..
1:56 AM when we say god supports dharma.. it probably means dharma has support from all sides..
and evil is supported by only evil
me: and wat abt these various forms that ppl have arnd them.. like vishnu, shiva, ganesha?
Vijay: its different names given to different characters ashte le..
1:57 AM god includes everything.. sun moon water earth knowledge power death
me: hmm.. there is a perception that god is attributeless rt
nirguna brahma
Vijay: its just that each of these has been given names..
1:58 AM wat attributes ?
me: god doesnt have any attributes.. or gunas
like us
Vijay: u mean a form ?
me: no no.. nature..
Vijay: hands legs.. like that
1:59 AM me: u r a "cool" guy..
cool is an attribute of urs
Vijay: hehe.. hange..
me: hmmm
2:00 AM actually god is energy
Vijay: again
me: dont u think so?
Vijay: god has all attributes..
and to classify.. u have different god-names portraying different attributes
2:01 AM like kamadev, love attribute
me: how can god have all attributes and also remain attributeless
Vijay: i am sure there's a god for anger.. shive himself i guess
why do say he is attributeless ?
2:02 AM me: well.. upanishad.. quote madta idde ashte
Vijay: upanishad bidle..
wat do u think
me: well.. my belief is we worship a physical entity that we studied as "energy" as god
2:03 AM surya, agni, vayu
Vijay: what abt knowledge..
2:04 AM me: hmmm.. we have to go into the details for this. on how actually ganesha and others started being worshipped... these neo gods werent a part of vedic culture
they came into the society thru puranas
2:05 AM wat the hindu belief on god is
can only be understood by studying and understanding the
brahma sutra;s
rest is either stories or rituals.. and stuff like that
2:06 AM the philosophical connotation
is brahma sutra and commentaries
on it
Vijay: hmm..
i got this question now..
imagine u were in the vedic age..
or even much before that..
just a normal nomadic..
2:07 AM what do u think god wud be.. at that time
simply put, why did ppl start believing in gods
if i were there..
2:08 AM i wud see the sun.. i dont know wat that is but it rises in the morning sets in the evening.. gives light which is extremely important...
i wud start thinking its something supernatural..
2:09 AM similarly for water, air, trees earth..
me: thats pagan rt :)
is hinduism pagan religion?
Vijay: things which you dont know what they are.. but they are there for your survival..
2:10 AM and u feel that it is superior to you..
i dont know that..
see.. even though now we know wat is sun, air, water etc..
we still dont know what the universe is.. where it ends.. wats on the other side of it..
2:11 AM and probably thats why ppl still believe there is something superior to us..
if we discover wats on the other side of the universe scientifically.. then i wud say ppl wud stop believing in god..
2:12 AM does that make any sense at all.. ?
me: hmm.. that does.. but this mayb true in the v early vedic period...
but.. later.. these great rushis
2:13 AM agstya, badarayana,
etc etc...
were gr8 philosphers of that time
they gave a direction
to their ppl
2:14 AM when society got organized, even the rulers consulted them rt.. and these were the 1s who were a part of writing the vedas, interpreting them.. and stuff
2:15 AM somehow i still feel vedas are nothing but rituals.. although i havent studied
i feel the upanishads are most important
Vijay: i dont know wat they are..
bidu.. bejan blade aitu ivattige..
2:16 AM me: :P
its good u know
Vijay: but it was pretty good
me: discussion leads to knowledge
and since u r advaita..
u shud believe in "gnana yoga"
Vijay: i dont know if i am advaita..
by birth i am..
2:17 AM me: i am supposed to be the 1 who believes in bhakti yoga
Vijay: but i dont what by beliefs are..
does this discussion say anything about which philosophy i belong to ?
2:18 AM me: hmm.. u belong to dvaita
2:19 AM Vijay: hmm.. i dont know.. but i wanted to be on advaita's side.. eventhough i dont know wat it is.. :)
anyway.. probably we can write our own philosophy.. :D
me: u believe this world is real rt...
Vijay: wat do mean ?
2:20 AM me: advaita doesnt believe the world is real..
Vijay: oh mean like matrix movie na?
me: yahh
Vijay: howda!?
advaita andre ada?
me: yahh.. advaita andre mayavaada...
Vijay: i think u r lying to take me in your party
2:21 AM me: mayavadin antare
Vijay: hmm eno..
i have an idea for you..
why dont u post this conv in your blog..
2:22 AM me: hehe.. i will..
Vijay: sumne copy paste..
no edits
me: okk...
Vijay: from the point where i said, brahmins need not be vegetarians..
me: okk
2:23 AM btw, hinduism has 6 school of thoughts le..
ninge gottitta?
Vijay: illa
me: samkhya, yoga, nyaya, vaisheshika, mimaamsa and vedanta...
Vijay: matha gaLa
2:24 AM me: among... vedanta.. there are 3 main... dvaita, advaita, vishishtadvaita
5 minutes
2:29 AM Vijay: le.. my conv indicates i'm advaita only alva..
no wait...
2:30 AM me: hmm.. where? u said u believe that ppl started worshipping god.. bcoz.. they believed it was the source of their activities
2:31 AM Vijay: is said they started worshiping the sources which provide these resources like sun water etc.. but i dint say that this source has a form..
2:32 AM me: hmm.. well.. the thing is.. dvaita is not abt form..
Vijay: hmm.. yes.. i guess i believe in dvaita.. as of now..
me: the v fact that u believe that god, ppl and things are different from each other.. is dvaita...
2:33 AM Vijay: hmm..
me: read this
Vijay: ishte saakalva ivattige ?
yahh.. saaku
Vijay: question to think abt ante..
2:34 AM do u believe in soul
me: assignment aa?
Vijay: hoon... :D
see.. this is being a brahmin..
me: gnana yoga.. :P
Vijay: so now u have a conclusion for the conversation..
2:35 AM i guess this is the point i was inherently trying to make.. :)
me: i am quite satisfied with bhakti yoga.. :P .. zyada tension nahi dimag ka :P
2:36 AM well.. abt the sould
its a v abstract term le paa..
Vijay: hmm..
ad irli
sometime back.. internship mado vaaga..
i had this thought..
me: but i wud put it this way...
2:37 AM Vijay: if there is god.. how wud we look like to Him
me: wat are u actually composed of???
chemical substances rt
u r nothing but hydrocarbons...
2:38 AM Vijay: ade.. but u dont know how they all exactly work together...
so in a way.. wat u dont know, or have not discovered yet scientifically is god..
2:39 AM me: jeeva - jada = aatma ?
Vijay: wats jada ?
2:40 AM me: thing
Vijay: u mean.. life - body = aatma


Vijay Kulkarni
These messages were sent while you were offline. 2:41 AM Vijay: gottilla.. le...

2:41 AM (11 hours ago)
Vijay Kulkarni
to me

show details 2:53 AM (11 hours ago)


2:42 AM me: hmm..
Vijay: nange henge andre..
2:43 AM i want to know everything..
1. i dont know where to start
2. i dont have the determination that lasts long..
2:44 AM ivat isht ella conv aaita.. i dont know if i'll this interested in this matter tomorrow
me: its always interesting
but its tough
cant be learnt over a period of time
tapass thara
Vijay: if this was a lucrative profession, i wud have probably taken this now..
2:45 AM me: it is kinda ;)
Vijay: henge ?
pujari aagya?
me: see how much money. sri sri
or iskcon has
or sai baba, kalki bhagwan
Vijay: but.. esht jana ravishankar idare?
me: ayyo.. bekadasht jana sigtare..
2:46 AM Vijay: but.. i'll make my kids go into this profession ante..
- but
me: hehe.. actually if i have a boy.. i will do his munjvi by 8 and put him into vidyapeetha
2:47 AM Vijay: hehehe
one more question le..
me: yes
Vijay: simple one..
the clothes gods were.. their makeup and all..
2:48 AM as portrayed
they look like that because ppl used to dress like that in those times..
dont u think they shud change their clothes now ?
2:49 AM me: hehe...
Vijay: see.. if we were to comeup with a new god.. how wud u dress him/her up?
me: u mean.. vishnu shud wear cargos
Vijay: just a normal pant shirt wud do..
2:50 AM me: and.. ganesha shud wear low waist.. pants..
Vijay: hahahha
me: maybe.. they cud wear faded jeans
Vijay: their weapons shud not be bow and arrow
it shud be guns
me: iron man
2:51 AM alli irattalla
Vijay: hoon...
may be..
me: hahahhaaha
shud i put this on the blog too
Vijay: yeah.. do that..
2:53 AM :)
ok le..
me: ok.. i will watch "A wednesday:" now
Vijay: malagthini..