Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thanks Internet!

I couldnt believe my eyes, when I met my childhood friend on Orkut 2 days back. My dad works in SBI. We used to get transferred all over Karnataka. Thats the saddest part of working in a public sector company. Friendships made are always temporary. Every time we had a transfer, I had a heart break. Every time I had to leave my friends, watch all of them stay together in the same place and see myself being separated from them. It is my nature that I get too attached to my friends over a period of time. I have always tried to be in touch with my old friends as much as possible. But eventually, distance and time got the better of me.

My native is Bijapur/Bagalkot in North Karnataka. We got transferred from Bijapur to a small town called Sindgi. I was just 3 yrs old then. My earliest friends were 2 girls - Preeti, Amrutha and a boy called Gopal. I remember them because we 4 of us would always play with girls' dolls and I would come out crying to my parents that I wanted a doll similar to theirs (I still get bantered by my cousins and relatives for this :P!!).

From there we moved to a city called Gulbarga. I joined school there. It was there that I met Chetan Joshi, Sangamnath Kulkarni and Shrinivas Kulkarni. We were just 6 yrs old and went to Christ Convene Convent school. Back then only, I used to roam around the city with these 3 guys(Of course within our limitations!). We used to play with marbles, fight horribly, make up after a while, go out on ice cream treats! Our "beedi - sutting" (roaming around streets!) activities had taken a toll and all 4 of us had flunked some test in 1st Std (As far as i remember it was General knowledge test! :P). All of us got punished badly both at school and home.It was great fun back then.

My acquaintance with them was just to last for 2 yrs. So after finishing my 1st and 2nd Std in Gulbarga, my family moved to Bangalore. Even though, I was just 8 yrs old and dint have much knowledge of the world I had the sense of staying in touch with the ppl I had the most fun with. Chetan was always my best friend. Almost inseparable. Today I really feel it to be unbelievable that we both wrote letters to each other till we were in 9th std. 2yrs of childhood friendship and 6 yrs of writing letters! But after a while, I dont know what happened, but we lost touch. I guess some of the letters that I wrote dint reach him. Finally i gave up and continued my life with my new friends in Mysore. (By 9th Std, I had moved out of Bangalore after my primary school to a high school in Mysore.).

2 days back I met all my 3 childhood friends on Orkut. I felt really happy to get back to them. Internet is really a powerful medium. I can now proudly say that I am in touch with majority of my friends that I had since I was 6yrs old. My Gulbarga friends, Bangalore Primary school friends, Mysore friends, Bangalore Engg College friends, Philips friends and of course I am currently with my Minnesota friends!

Hope soon I will find my doll friends too :-).

I also was quite surprised when last semester I saw a very unexpected mail in my mailbox. My 3rd Std class teacher had found my mail Id and mailed me. I did not at all expect any teacher for that matter to mail me. But to find the mail of a very special teacher made my day. She had sweetly addressed me as "Hi Professor, Do you remember me?" (She called me a professor because I was absent minded since those days only!). What a miracle , I thought!.

Sometimes stray incidents like these make you so happy that life feels so good to be true.

Thanks Internet!


Santosh said...

nice post...i guess u need to thank orkut :)
Even my thanks to internet/orkut/gtalk, we are still in touch with each other ;)
Didnt get the title of your blog, yaake "You Got Bamboozled!!" ?

Harsha.Kulkarni said...

I've a similar story to tell..but we guys went a step further and had meet-up and believe me, people say as world goes on ppl change...I think thats not true, atleast in terms of friends, they were all still the same, It was just perfect !!!
Thanks for sharing your story, Memories Ignited !!!

Sachin Kulkarni said...

Thanks Santu and Harsha... :)

Unknown said...

hehehe... nice one ;)