1. The "deploytool" of Matlab compiler which was working, suddenly stopped working.
2. Called up Mathworks support and somehow got the issue fixed by changing some system environment variable.
3. Then the application built properly.
4. Next, I tried to deploy it on another system and it bombed at that system.
5. Tried to execute that application on my system. Started getting "Java Out of Memory Error"
6. Called up Mathworks to get their help. They suggested some code changes and i implemented the same. Before I could test the application, I got locked out of Matlab Database Toolbox.
7. It took a while to get a license to access the database toolbox.
8. Then while I could start testing, my Computer monitor blew. :-(
9. Got that fixed.
10. Tested my application and found that still wasn't working.
11. Changed the JDBC driver to the latest available. Still aint working
Java exception occurred:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at com.mysql.jdbc.Buffer.
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.nextRow(MysqlIO.java:1441)
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.readSingleRowSet(MysqlIO.java:2816)
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.getResultSet(MysqlIO.java:467)
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.readResultsForQueryOrUpdate(MysqlIO.java:2510)
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.readAllResults(MysqlIO.java:1746)
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(MysqlIO.java:2135)
at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(ConnectionImpl.java:2536)
at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(ConnectionImpl.java:2465)
at com.mysql.jdbc.StatementImpl.executeQuery(StatementImpl.java:1383)
at com.mathworks.toolbox.database.sqlExec.executeTheSelectStatement(sqlExec.java:170)
This exception is taking my night's sleep away.. :(
Maga , strange that in Java u get such a error. Good luck solving it.
Am sure u will come with a solution maga.
Dont loose hope!!
Hey man, Dont feel sad. From past two weeks I am having similar sort of problems at my workplace(something to do with missing drivers, hardware not working, Hardware taking certain remote keys but not all. etc etc etc ). I still havent got done a thing from past 2 weeks despite spending hours together at it.
So, dont feel sad. There is always a way. It just takes some time.
Have you tried restarting your computer ? :) it works many times !!!! God knows from where Jaava and other apps get memory but .. it works. Try it if you haven't.
And debugging should be like a hobby for a programmer. Best luck .. crack it dude ....
Philips is showing true colors [:P]..
Anyway.. bugging stuff da..
i did try rebooting...
The problem is in JDBC driver, which runs out of heap space when fetching data.. God knows why it cant handle that much data.. Its actually.. 5 million rows of 125 chars approx that I am fetching.. which approx to arnd 600MB. and my virtual memory is 2 GB and after modifying windows boot.ini, it became 3GB.. But still JDBC driver aint happy.. He needs more memory..
check your 'statement', how it is being initialized. If you are allowing random access then database must store info about all the data at once as you can move forward, backward or randomly. If you don't need it, initialize your stmt object with forward only settings. It will send data in chunks while populating results buffer. Hope it helps.
every cloud has a silver lining :-P
hope its done by now :-)
gud luck
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